first off, thanks to each and every one of you for reaching out to ryan and meredith, in ways both seen and unseen. i am deeply touched and inspired by
your compassion,
strangers helping strangers,
the generosity of the human spirit.
just wow. thank you.
thank you.
and now--
on to something totally unrelated.
we celebrated an 8th birthday last weekend. it's become tradition for the birthday girl to 1) choose her own cake and 2) have a hand in making it. her requirement for this year's cake was simply this:
8 layers.
8 layers?!?
fortunately, google led me to the icebox cake, which just happens to be an american classic, though prior to finding this recipe i had never had the pleasure of sampling it, let alone making it.
for shame! this has got to be one of the easiest, yet most satifsying and aesthetically-pleasing desserts to make. you will need a box (or two) of nabisco famous wafers, whipped cream, and vanilla.
and that's it.
three ingredients.
traditionally, according to the recipe on the box, this cake is made by stacking layers of cookie and cream into a sort of log/roll form. but we chose to break with tradition and layer it up on a cake stand like this and this.
start with a layer of 7 cookies: one in the center and the other 6 laid out in a circle surrounding the center cookie. layer with 1/2 cup of barely sweetened vanilla whipped cream. continue layering until you have reached your desired number of layers.
or until you run out of cookies.
then chill in the refrigerator overnight. garnish before serving (optional).
simple! fun! and did i mention tasty? the birthday girl was able to make it pretty much own her own even. which, let's be honest, is actually a birthday gift to me.